Eventige NYC Event Planning Secrets Behind Event Planners That Truly Shine

NYC Event Planning is one of those interesting fields where only the top companies shine and hiring a company for your party services may appear like standard procedure, but hiring the right event planning company is not as easy as it sounds.

You should look for an event planner with a good deal of experience with your specific event. Someone who has meticulously planned a dozen Bar Mitzvahs or large family reunions will bring an impressive catalogue of event options and problem-solving skills. To this end, it's important to realize that just because you can plan your own event doesn't mean you should. By hiring an event planner, you can often create a better event and one that's more enjoyable for you.

In truth, it's probably a lot easier to find an event planner than you imagine. There are 50,000-60,000 event planners operating in the United States, and if you live in a major metropolitan area, you're likely to find dozens, if not hundreds, of planners who are willing to bid for your event. What you need to find is the right planner for your event. While the flexibility of the profession helps make it "recession-proof," the wise consumer will still look for a planner with the experience, resources, and fees that match their needs. The planner a Fortune 500 company hires for their annual conference is not going to be the same planner you hire for your daughter's sweet sixteen birthday bash.

For events where intimacy is an important component of the overall ambiance, a professional party planner is an incredible resource to minimize the intrusion of commonplace party chores.

This party planner should be able to survey your home or event venue, peruse your guest list, and the thrust of the occasion to generate a comprehensive plan for hosting your party. Much of this plan will cover things you already needed to be done, but the cohesion and sequence of a comprehensive plan can make a huge, if underappreciated, difference. Staggering resources, designating places to store different party supplies, and developing several contingency plans can help make the last hour of your party just as pleasant and low-maintenance as the first hour.

NYC Event Planning

Here are some important things to consider when thinking about an event

  • Budget: Almost all events involve making some tough decisions and/or trade-offs, but these decisions can't be effectively made without setting a budget for the event. Often, you'll discuss the event budget and the event planning fee at the same time, especially with planners who base their charges as a percentage of the event cost, rather than a flat fee.
  • Event Site/Venue: Sometimes people already know where they want to host an event before they even talk to a planner. Other times, finding the right site is the biggest chore on the event planning list. Either way, you'll need to discuss the details, demands, and capacity of the venue/possible venues with your planner.
  • Scheduling and Dates: Setting a date and, if necessary, alternate dates for the event is the obvious priority, but you should also discuss a general meeting schedule for you and your planner as you plan and coordinate the event. On a similar note, event planners are capable professionals, but they're not mind-readers, and you should maintain active lines of communication with your planner.
  • Supplies, Props, Equipment: You and/or your event planner should sit down and make a comprehensive list of supplies and equipment that will be needed for the event. Common items include: portable toilets, tables and chairs, speakers, microphones, signs, electricity capabilities, etc.
  • General Logistics: You might think this is about it for event planning, but there are almost always another handful (it will seem like hundreds) of logistic items that need a planner's touch. Parking and "guest management" are just a few of the stickier items. Permits and security requirements are also too often overlooked with disastrous results: You don't want one of the best nights of your life ruined by a lawsuit the following week.
Much of the anticipated growth in the event planning industry still derives from the corporate world in the form of business meetings, conferences, conventions, etc. Yet, there are also indications that private individuals are availing themselves of these services more and more, especially as the industry becomes more trusted, widely recognized, and cost-effective.

Eventige Elite Event Planning has become extremely successful at delivering quality event planning from the ground up, making it easier for clients to have successful and stress-free event engagements.

NYC Event Planning